Poker Words - A Poker Blog

Mostly a recount of my poker exploits along with a bunch of random other stuff just for fun.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Finally Beat Doom III

Well, I finally beat Doom III last night. This should please the regular readers of my blog, or reader (hi John), since the game was seriously cutting into my online poker playing time, thus not giving me much to write about. At least the live games have been occurring somewhat more regularly. There's going to be an office game tomorrow if we can get enough people, and a multi-table tournament in Chicago this weekend. This time it actually will be multi-table, not that crap last week. Although if I couldn't beat 10 people, I don't know why I think I would have done better against 15-20.

I've run into somewhat of a dilemma with this weekend game. See, my wife's brother worked on the Team America: World Police movie, and she wants to go out with a big group of people to see it on Saturday. I just realized that the two things are on the same day. Now, this might be the first time that I have ever managed to book something with my friends, before she makes plans for us. My friends and I are last minute planners, and she plans stuff way in advance, which means I'm usually already busy when someone decides they want a weekend poker game. So I think I should be allowed to go to the game, and she should not be upset, but I also fear I'm going to get the "Its family and we need to support him, and you play too much poker" spiel. Its not that I don't want to see the movie, it looks pretty good, its just that I've been looking forward to this tournament for a long time. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Hopefully we can see the movie on Friday, and I can play poker on Saturday, and win her lots of money to spend on antiques on Sunday. Then everyone wins.

One last thing. For Yahoo! users, you can add a feed of this site to your My Y! page, by clicking on the Y!+ link on the right. Pretty cool huh?


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